Labor/Delivery: after 40 weeks came and went my dr. had scheduled an induction. I called and cancelled the induction because I just felt like she needed more time. I was sent for a non stress test to make sure baby was okay. Since she was fine, my dr moved the induction date to 41wks 6days. 2 days before the induction I was having contractions that got down to 4 minutes apart and went in to the hospital were they told me she was very far back and I was hardly dilated.
The the next evening we went again because they started getting stronger and closer together. We got admitted this time! We got our room and I began walking the halls for the next 7 hours. During this time no one checked on us... I had to hook myself up to the monitors for 20 min. of every hour for these 7 hours(I am still a little bitter about this if you can't tell). I kept telling adam the whole time something wasn't right. I mean I have had a baby before so I do have some point of reference.
They came in later and nothing, no change, so they broke my water, which I thought would do it for sure. I tried to get up after that and get on the birthing ball but I literally couldn't walk, I had no function of my right leg. My leg hurt worse than any of the contractions. Adam helped me around a bit and I got my nurse. She said that I am not required to walk and that I can just sit/lay down. I kept tell Adam that something didn't seem right, but I got him to help me on the ball where I sat for hours.
Then the nurse came back and checked me and still no change, so they said they wanted to try pitocin. I seriously was crying because this was not going how I wanted. Within 30 minutes the contractions were ridiculous. After awhile they came and checked me again and I had little progress, the nurse told her best guess was six hours and we will have a baby. At this point I caved and got the epidural. I paged the nurse to tell her the epidural was taking and I was still in some pain. She went ahead and checked me and told me to push and then said stop stop let me get a dr. The nurse was running around to find a dr. any dr. I told Adam to page the nurses station to tell them that I am not pushing but this baby is coming now. They prepped fast and 5 contractions later out comes Lilian with her hand on top of her head.
As soon as Lilian was born I got to hold her on my chest and I was able to nurse her. It was the most amazing experience. After Lilian was born the doctor said OH she had a velamentous cord insertion. Which is the cord connecting to the outside of the placeta instead of the inside. It causes higher hcg levels which is what probably made me so sick during the pregnancy. It also can cause the baby to be undernourished, which might be why she was smaller than anticipated. She weighed in at 8lbs2oz. After much discussing all that transpired during my labor with my actual doctor, it was decided that she was most likely right occupant transverse, which is why I had the looooong drawn out labor and the terrible leg pain. Whew! I really meant for that to be short story I promise.
the first moment I got to lay eyes on my sweet baby girl.
Postpartum: she was born at 11:58 am on April the 3rd and we went home 24 hours later. We asked to leave sooner, but they said no. She was a great nurser from the beginning, which I attribute to having experience with Emma.
Now: She is now three months old and doing fabulous. She seems to be a happy baby... if you give her what she wants the moment before she wants it. So far she hasn't had a bottle and thankfully there is no where I 'have' to be so it has worked out fine (I loathe pumping, bad experience with my first). I have no idea how long she sleeps at night because she sleeps next to me and I don't look at a clock. If someone told me before I had kids that I would have a bedrail on my bed I would've laughed at them, but now I wouldn't have it any other way. Love you sweet Lilian.
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