Monday, June 15, 2009

latest and greatest

my former office building
Today was officially my last day working for HH. I feel like I should be really excited, but I honestly will really miss work. Today just felt like another day at work and that I will wake up tomorrow and go back. I don't think it will really hit me that I don't have to work until we move.

baby bedding
I found the most beautiful baby bedding from dwell. I went to a baby boutique and saw it in person and fell even more in love with it. So, I had to get it! It is our first purchase for our new home.

baby center name poll
After I started our blog name poll I decided to place a baby name poll on the baby website I was curious what complete strangers thought. 10 hours and 223 votes later the name Emma was victorious. Adam's favorite name has always been Emma mine was Ella. I love the name Emma, but I don't like the fact that it is the most popular name. I told Adam that we can call her Emma, with the stipulation that I can change my mind if I want.


  1. Adorable bedding! Modern, yet just right for a baby. Dwell makes such cute stuff!

    Are you going to call the baby "Emma" or "Emma Jean?" I really like the name, but I wonder if it being so similar to yours could get confusing?

    Congrats on a happy last day at work and all the excitement to come!

  2. I love the baby bed & the name Emma Jean! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hurray for really cute baby bedding. Hurray for no more work. Hurray for returning to good old Temple.
