I haven't been much for taking pictures of myself throughout my pregnancy, but I was told by multiple people that I needed them for Emma's baby book. Adam was kind enough to take some pictures of me at 39 weeks 4 days. I think he did a great job. Now all we need is a couple pics with Adam in them. I am running out of time to take pictures, maybe someone can take some tomorrow (Emma's official due date). I still need to edit the photos a bit... I want to make the wooden block letters that spell "emma" to be a pop of color.
Today was officially my last day working for HH. I feel like I should be really excited, but I honestly will really miss work. Today just felt like another day at work and that I will wake up tomorrow and go back. I don't think it will really hit me that I don't have to work until we move.
baby bedding
I found the most beautiful baby bedding from dwell. I went to a baby boutique and saw it in person and fell even more in love with it. So, I had to get it! It is our first purchase for our new home.
baby center name poll
After I started our blog name poll I decided to place a baby name poll on the baby website babycenter.com. I was curious what complete strangers thought. 10 hours and 223 votes later the name Emma was victorious. Adam's favorite name has always been Emma mine was Ella. I love the name Emma, but I don't like the fact that it is the most popular name. I told Adam that we can call her Emma, with the stipulation that I can change my mind if I want.
We had such a fabulous time at Disney with my family. The best part really was just having us all together. My parents had been planning this vacation to celebrate their 30th anniversary for years. It was a little more than a bit rainy when we went, but 16 inches of rain can't slow this family down. It did leave me with a head cold and ankles that looked like play-doh, but it was worth it. Unfortunately due to the rain we didn't get to take a lot of pics, but hopefully when I gather pictures from the rest of my family I will have more to show. For now, please enjoy the few I have.
our hotel (the polynesian resort)
Adam and I had a brilliant idea to take a boat ride back to our resort because there wasn't anyone riding on it. Apparently it was because everyone was a bit brighter than we were. About two seconds after this picture was taken we were hit by the worse storm I have ever seen. The rain and wind were so strong our little boat had trouble making it to dock, it felt like it took an hour to get there. All we could do was try to huddle in a little ball in the center of the boat. It was by far the most realistic ride at Disney (two thumbs up).
even the characters had to seek shelter from the rain
adam thought miss piggy was hot stuff
toy story mania @ hollywood studios was the best ride in all of disney
HELP! We need help deciding on a baby name. We had asked our families for baby name suggestions and we finally have it narrowed down. To the right you will find a poll... please vote for you favorite name. In case it matters to you, below are the meanings to each of the names (according to babycenter.com):
emma: origins-german; meaning-universal ella: origins-english; meaning-beautiful fairy woman henrietta: origins-german; meaning-ruler of home
jean: origina-hebrew; meaning-God is gracious pearl: origins-latin; meaning-a gem of the sea
Get out and vote... or scoot your mouse over a few inches and click! I also want to say an extra BIG thank you to all the family that sent us name suggestions, it helped out a ton!
Adam and I are flying to Disney World in the morning! My whole family is meeting at Disney for my parents' 30th Anniversary. I am so excited I can hardly stand it! Leaving for Disney tomorrow caused us to reminisce over our last trip to Disney with band back in high school. I thought this would be a good opportunity for some throwback pics.
@ Epcot... we look so young
@ Epcot... Adam looks cute with his serious face
the emilies on the bus
Adam and Nathan on the bus... Adam stole my bear
We were all so cute. It is so much fun to think back on the simpler days. I will post with new Disney pics when we get back. Everyone have a great week!
This past hump day Adam and I went to see the Rangers vs. Seattle at the Ballpark. The only thing better than seeing Hamilton, Kinsler, or even Griffey.... is seeing them on Dollar Hot Dog Night.
griffey up to bat
Poor Adam was a bit torn, he was torn between rooting for his childhood idol (Griffey) or to root for his favorite team (the Rangers). He chose to wear his number 24 jersey, but to route for the Rangers to win.
hamilton up to bat
Yea, this is pretty much the coolest pic ever. So close you can see the tats.
ichiro up to bat
Everyone has to love Ichiro. A couple years ago I painted a big portrait of Ichiro and brought it to the game. He saw it and smiled at me and tossed us a ball. It was pretty awesome.
kinsler up to bat
Last but certainly not least... Kinsler. I think that Kinsler looks alot like Jim Halpert, from the office. I heart Jim.
cowboys stadium
I think you have to be standing in front of it to get the grand scale of it. Adam seemed less than impressed.
We went to the doctor on Friday and found out that Adam and I are going to have a little girl! We are both ecstatic. In the first pic you can see her foot, the same cute little foot that keeps kicking my bladder. In the second picture you can see her profile (her eye, nose, lips, and even an ear). Can you see it? I think she looks like me already! The doctor said that she may look like me, but she has Adam's feet... I was not amused. My doctor is a strange strange man, I will have to share a few stories about the horribleness in the days to come.