Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Quick update

Oops... Forgot to post this Monday.

1) loose a pound.... I lost 4 lbs some how (not eating entire pans of brownies helped)
2) hopefully get my machine back and start quilt blocks.... 21 blocks finished!
3) stop thinking about working out and do something (no more excuses)... Every time I bounce the baby to sleep I do squats and I even did a few reverse crunches (it's a start)
4) get the new album I bought filled with pics.... The pics are all put in the album, but I still need to do some labeling. I also need to figure out what to do with the stuff (ticket stubs and maps and such).
5) make an eye appointment (I can tell my vision has really declined)... Yea I totally forgot to do this.
6) stop adding new projects to my list.... I started thinking about lilian's first birthday party, which led me to add probably half a dozen projects to my list.

1) loose a pound
2) finish the quilt top
3) work out/break a sweat
4) caulk, scrub, and overall super clean the girls' bathroom
5) make an eye appointment
6) not to add more projects to my list

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New stuff and resolutions

First the new stuff.

1) Adam will be taking his last CPA exam in February. I am already anxious and excited for it. It is always hard on me when he studies, because I am with the baby literally all day. Bouncing the baby to sleep 3-4 times a day is giving me a serious workout. I also miss spending the evenings with Adam watching movies and chatting (or him listening to me chat).

2) lilian has started saying new things. She said "done" the other day when she wanted out of her high chair. Whenever she starts smashing her food or throwing it on the floor I would say "done" and take her out, Then she started repeating done after I would say done, now she says it on her own. I love it when they start talking... It makes life a little easier for her and me.

3) We are going with my family (15 of us) to Disney in April and I am constantly adding things on my 'want to do list'. Problem is I am adding things fast than I can finish them.
I want to sew a purse similar to this

I want to have something for the characters to sign (not autograph book)

I want to order Adam and myself at least one disney shirt (the girls already have several)

I want to get something for the baby to wear when the big girls all get to go to the bippity boppity boutique.

I think doing something like this to match Emma's  disney shirts would be fun. I am not a big fan of bows, but these are pretty darn cute.

4) My had two New Years resolutions. The first one is to not take on too many projects. The second was to complete everything on my 'things I want to do before I turn 30' list. So far the things I have done are
-I have gone to the dentist. I survived. I do get to go back because he wants to (for free :D ) see if he can whiten a front tooth of mine that died several years go. I am pretty pumped about that.
-I have finished cutting all the fabric and have them sorted into blocks waiting to be sewn. My sewing machine will hopefully be back from the shop on Wednesday. My goal is to sew a block a day ( not too ambitious, but about all I can do with two little ones around).
-My goal was to loose 60 lbs (baby weight plus some extra) I have lost 53 lbs so far 7 left. I WILL do it. I was on a roll till thanksgiving and Christmas came around.
-I have started putting our pics in albums. I actually had to buy a second one and extra picture sleeve things today.
-I have gotten everything organized and de-cluttered. We had one very successful garage sell.

1) loose a pound
2) hopefully get my machine back and start quilt blocks
3) stop thinking about working out and do something (no more excuses)
4) get the new album I bought filled with pics
5) make an eye appointment (I can tell my vision has really declined)
6) stop adding new projects to my list

Thursday, January 3, 2013

9 months

Miss me? I have been gone for a while, but I am back. Adam is now studying to take his LAST CPA exam. He passed his third of four in the fall and then took a little break during the holidays.

I can hardly believe that my little baby is now 9 months old. In just a few short months we will be having a birthday party.

Eat: Lilian nurses every morning, before and after every nap, before bedtime, and then maybe twice during the night. She loves eating solids now. She eats small pieces of fruit and veggies. Most recently we have added full fat yogurt and bits of cheese. She sits in her high chair and feeds herself during all our meals. It is fun watching her eat.... It is not so fun cleaning her mess. :)

Sleep: Lilian wakes (typically) between 7 and 8 then takes a nap at 9:30-10:30, 12:30-2:30, and 4:30-5:30. She usually goes to bed around 8. My big girl sleeps in her crib every night now... Well until she wakes up and Adam brings her to me in bed where she spends the rest of the night (last night she stayed in her crib till 3:30).

Size: Right now she is wearing 12 and 18 month clothes. (she is wearing an 18 month target brand outfit in above pic)

Stats: She weighs right at 20 lbs

Likes: Getting into the cabinets, unrolling toilet paper, playing with her sister, assisted walking, and jumping on the bed (assisted).

Dislikes: diaper changes, getting dressed, when her sister is upset, and having to sleep (she thinks being awake is way more fun).

Firsts: Lilian celebrated her first Christmas. She loved everything about it except Santa. She has gotten good at cruising along the furniture and toys and pushing her walker around. Her biggest new thing is talking. She has started saying mama and dada to the correct people. The only other unprompted things she has said are hi, dog, and monkey (she likes curious George). This past week she started repeating words that we were trying to teach her done, pear, peach, Emma, Nonnie, Babu, Pampam, fish... She is really good at mimicking words. I am curious to see which of the words she will say on her own next.